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- The Following population and Muslim percentage in each country is according to the World Factbook of the CIA. The survey report dated 21 April 2005.
Population of the World (271 countries) | 6,446,131,400 | Population of Muslims = 19.9% | 1,282,780,148.6 |  -
 - http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/
Africa Country | % | millions | Country | % | millions | Algeria | 99 | 32 | Burkina Faso | 50 | 7 | Cameroon | 20 | 3.2 | Chad | 51 | 4.9 | Djibouti | 49 | .23 | Egypt | 94 | 72.8 | Ethiopia | 47 | 36 | Gambia | 90 | 1.4 | Gabon | 1 | .13 | Guinea | 85 | 8 | Guinea-Bissau | 45 | .63 | Ivory Coast | 40 | 6.8 | Libya | 97 | 5.6 | Mali | 90 | 11 | Mauritania | 100 | 3 | Madagascar | 7 | 1.2 | Morocco | 98 | 32 | Niger | 80 | 9.3 | Nigeria | 50 | 64 | Senegal | 94 | 10.4 | Sierra Leone | 60 | 3.6 | Somalia | 100 | 8.6 | Sudan | 70 | 36.7 | Tanzania | 85 | 29.4 | Tunisia | 98 | 9.8 | Uganda | 16 | 4.3 | -
- Asia
Country | % | millions | Country | % | millions | Afghanistan | 99 | 30 | Bahrain | 100 | .69 | Bangladesh | 83 | 119 | Brunei | 67 | .25 | Indonesia | 88 | 213 | Iran | 98 | 67 | Iraq | 97 | 25 | Jordan | 92 | 5.2 | Kuwait | 85 | .85 | Lebanon | 60 | 2.3 | Maldives | 100 | .34 | Malaysia | 35 | 8.6 | Oman | 99 | 3 | Pakistan | 97 | 157 | Qatar | 95 | .82 | Saudi Arabia | 100 | 21 | Syria | 90 | 16 | Turkey | 99 | 69 | UAE | 96 | .86 | Yemen | | 6.8 | -
- Minorities
Country | % | millions | Country | % | millions | Albania | 70 | 2.5 | Austria | 4.2 | .34 | Azerbijan | 93 | 7.4 | France | 8 | ..59 | India | 12 | 130 | China | 1.5 | 20 | Israel | 15 | .87 | kyrgyzstan | 75 | 3.8 | Kazakhstan | 47 | 7 | Serbia | 19 | 2 | South Africa | 2 | .88 | USA | 1 | 3 | UK | 2 | 1.5 | | | | Africa | | 39 | Australia | | 1 | Europe | | 36 | | | | - Note: In other more accurate statistics for counting the Muslim population can be found in other sites,
- example: