Human Rights in Islam

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No other religion is as much concerned with the issue of human rights as is Islam. Privacy, freedom and equality are guaranteed in Islam. The holy Qur'an states clearly:
There is no compulsion in religion.
(Qur'an, 2:256)
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether or not the person is Muslim.
Each person looks forward to secure his needs and achieve his wishes, those needs and wishes that vary and change by place and time.
But one man is unable to achieve all his needs by himself without seeking others help, so he should deal with others, and the way of such deal takes places between persons of the mankind, but by nature, the strong persons usually impose upon weak ones, for that the Qur'an speaks of human in the following terms:
O Mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honoured of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety.
(Qur'an, 49:13)
That's the reason for why there should be human rights as a law and system that should be respected.
Freedom and equality
Liberty and freedom have significant position in Islam, the certify statement which is the first words person says when get to be Moslem says: "There is no God but Allah". This statement itself represents the full meaning of liberty! The first half of the statement " there is no God" it frees human from all slavery shapes and kinds. Then after that, the 2nd half of the statement "but Allah" assures that man slavery is towards Allah alone.
All people are equal in this, no one is better than the others, no one impose upon or use the others. The short certify statement guaranteed all this, this statement is the unification certification statement which Islam is built upon. Racism is incompatible with Islam
Allah says:
If not him, ye worship nothing But names which ye have named ye and your fathers For which God hath sent down No authority , the command Is for non but God, He Hath commanded that ye worship None but Him, that is The right religion, but Most men understand not.
(Qur'an, 12:40)
Never should a believer kill a believer if it so happens by mistake
(Qur'an, 4: 92)
Freedom is restraint to two facts:
* A man to Control himself and adjust his mind not to follow his passion if it goes out of Allah law.
* To feel sensitivity towards others rights.
So when a man practice his freedom under those two control points, he will not abuse himself -by disobey Allah law- nor he will expose himself to Allah penalty, also he will not abuse others by get over their rights.

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May Allah Bless You
Date Last Modified: 1/3/2005