What is Islam?

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Home Page
The Concept of Allah (God)
What is Islam?
Main Pillars of Islam
Muslim World Population
The Universal Religion
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
Women in Islam
The Concept of Peace and War
Tolerance in Islam
Islam and Cleanliness
Other Religions
Islam's contribution to Humanity
Islam and Knowledge
Human Rights in Islam
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About Us

Inside a mosque


Direction to Kaba

Half Dome (Mohamed Ali Mosque - Cairo)


ISLAM means peace, and submission to God.
The religious meaning is complete submission to the will of God.
Once a human being obeys Allah's laws and rules, he is a Muslim.
This means that he submits himself to the will of Allah, not to any creature.
It is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people.
For a fifth of the world's population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life.
Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy and forgiveness.
Islam has nothing to do with the extremely grave events which the media have associated with it.
Other Sites to check
Inside a mosque
Arabic writing, clay; date: Abbasid Period (8th-9th centuries AD)


Paper page, bearing an official document
date: Fatimid Period (11th century AD)
Check : www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk/

HomePage|TheConcept of Allah(God) | What isIslam?| MainPillarsof Islam | MuslimWorldPopulation | TheUniversalReligion | Muhammad(PeaceBe Upon Him) | Relevance|Women inIslam| TheConceptof Peace and War |ToleranceinIslam | IslamandCleanliness | OtherReligions| Islam'scontributionto Humanity |IslamandKnowledge | HumanRightsin Islam | History|sources|FavoriteLinks|PhotoAlbum|AboutUs

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May Allah Bless You
Date Last Modified: 2/4/2005