Islam is the religion which has been offered to humanity since Adam. Islam looks at mankind as created from a single soul, male and female, black and white, rich and poor. Muhammad, unlike other prophets, was sent to all people and nations. He was not sent for a certain tribe or a particular country but for the whole human race regardless of race or class. In the Qur'an, Allah said:
Therefore, Islam is not restricted to a specific race or nation, but is universal. This makes Islam unique. In all other religions, prophets were sent to a particular nation. Muhammad is exceptional simply because he is the last prophet. Among the beauties of Islam is that in this religion there are no intermediaries in the relationship between a person and his Lord. Entering this religion does not involve any special ceremonies or procedures that need to be done in front of any other person, nor does it require the approval of any specific people. Becoming Muslim is very easy and anyone can do it even if he is all alone in the desert or in a locked room. All it takes is to say two sentences which sum up the meaning of Islam and which include: 1- the statement that a person is the slave of his Lord and that he submits himself to Him and recognizes that He is his God and Helper and Protector. So he/she becomes a Muslim, sharing all the rights and duties that other Muslims have. so he can start to do the things that Allah has made obligatory, such as the five daily prayers, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and so on. From this it should be clear that anyone can become a Muslim straight away. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan aduhu wa rasooluhu . (I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger). |
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May Allah Bless You
Date Last Modified: 1/3/2005